Via unconsumption:

A great example of shipping container reuse:

“As the efforts to rebuild Haiti after its devastating January 12 earthquake inch along, a medical clinic is headed to the island nation that can be set up quickly and opened straight away.

Pre-built inside a pair of 20-foot-long steel shipping containers that can be loaded onto boats, the clinic is set to arrive in Port-au-Prince around the beginning of June, according to Containers to Clinics, the Dover, Massachusetts-based nonprofit that developed it.

Though the clinic is the first from the nearly two-year-old Containers to Clinics, the organization has bold plans to roll out 50,000 more over 15 years to rural areas ….”

Clinic Made of Freight Containers Heads to Haiti — Architectural Record

Related: March 2009 Unconsumption post about Containers to Clinics

January 2010 post about use of shipping containers as emergency housing