Via markcoatney:
Want to spend all night at the Library’s landmark Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, exploring everything from the Rose Main Reading Room to The Stacks (yes, The Stacks, which are rarely open to the public)? Well, on May 20, you have your chance. Renowned game designer and best-selling author Jane McGonigal has created “Find The Future: The Game” in honor of the 42nd Street building’s 100th birthday. Five hundred lucky people will be the first to play it on the evening of May 20, collectively completing 100 “quests” in teams of eight overnight (the first time NYPL has ever had an overnight event). Players - using smart phones - will receive missions to find objects from our collection, which will be strategically placed around the building. Once an item is found, players look at it, study it, feel its power and then complete a writing “quest.” For example, players might be asked to look at an old menu from our menu collection. After studying it and getting inspired, they use a laptop (either their own or one we provide) to answer the quest, “Design your ideal menu.” Each team will complete three or four of the quests. At the end, the most innovative answers will be made into a book that will wind up in our collections forever. I know, this sounds cool, right? So how do you participate in opening night? Complete a quest online - the most creative responders (18 and older only) will get a coveted slot. You can apply starting today. Registration ends at the end of April. If you don’t get a slot, don’t fret - anyone can play the game either online or at the Library’s 42nd Street building (with a smart phone) starting May 21. No Stacks, though - that’s only for opening night. So go!!! Register!!! And in the meantime, watch the amazing trailer McGonigal’s team put together above.
People of Tumblr: This is not an April Fool joke. Get cracking now.