March 11, 2011 “The headline you won’t be reading today: “Millions saved in Japan by good engineering and government building codes”. But it’s the truth.” — Dave Ewing (via kateoplis) Update, March 11: From The New York Times: Japan’s Strict Building Codes Saved Lives
Scenes From Japan’s Historic Earthquake A massive 8.9-magnitude quake hit northeast Japan on Friday, causing dozens of deaths, more than 80 fires, and a 10-meter (33-ft) tsunami along parts of the country’s coastline. Homes were swept away and damage is extensive. via theatlantic: See more photos at In Focus [Image: Reuters/Kyodo] There are some really dramatic, moving images here. March 11, 2011 Source:
Via nightline: A rail line buckled by the shifting earth is shown in Christchurch, New Zealand, Feb. 23, 2011. (Marty Melville/AFP/Getty Images) Now that’s a telling image. February 23, 2011 Source: