Almost two months ago, I signed up for an Itizen account and requested a batch of QR Coded tags … intending to record and share the story of at least one object …
At last – yesterday – I posted story #1: the Mexican Dress.
If you sign up for Itizen, or a similar service, how would you use it?
Related: A couple of QR Code posts:
Also, my friend Michael Sean Wright circulated yesterday this piece about QR Codes, which, in addition to providing a general description of what they are, says: “The advantages of having a QR Code on your business cards, or any other promotional material for that matter, is: you will make the print interactive (this is one way to make print interact, another one is augmented reality), you will have the ability to track any incoming visitor from your creation and at the same time you will stand out from the crowd as your business card will have a surprising new element.” Food for thought.