Via washingtonpoststyle:
We’re guessing zero. It’s a geekscape out here, after all.
Reimagining Toronto’s public transit system:
The Toronto Transit Commission is said to be considering the idea of selling naming rights for its subway lines and stations. In response, the helpful folks at Torontoist have chimed in to offer several station-renaming suggestions, including one for Christie station – to be known as “Mr. Christie,” in acknowledgment of Kraft Foods’ Mr. Christie’s cookie brand.
Read the rest (including Ossingston station, dubbed “Hugo Bossington”): Welcome to Your New SUBWAY™ System, Toronto.
Well done, Torontoist.
Via the20newyork:
Bronx Zoo Cobra Turns Up—On Twitter. On Friday afternoon, zookeepers at the Bronx Zoo’s reptile house noticed a poisonous Egyptian cobra was missing. By Monday the “snake” (or, rather, a clever person with a bit of time on their hands) joined Twitter to document their adventures in the big city. Also signing up for the site? The Bronx Zoo keeper, who is hot on the cobra’s tail trail. Follow both funny accounts as they play a modern game of cat and mouse in the big city. It’s sure to be a good laugh, at least until the snake does something dangerous in real life.
Via markcoatney:
Love this.
Via washingtonpoststyle:
We’re guessing zero. It’s a geekscape out here, after all.
Via nothinfancy:
“On most people they look like hell, but, to be honest, they are very comfortable and functional, and are essential in the fashion silhouette of the moment, which is the inverted triangle consisting of masses of thick Medusa-like hair and a poufy tunic sort of top over pipestem legs and twelve-inch stiletto heels.”…
Read the rest of her post at her blog, Free Range.
Via thedeadline:
This is just too funny.