Not surprisingly, two related, overarching themes – technology and mobile – dominate JWT’s 100 things to watch in 2011 (slideshow).
Related (earlier) post: 10 trends for 2011
Unilever Ice Cream Machine Detects Emotion and Shares Happy →
[Yesterday] at Cannes [Lions ad fest], Unilever revealed an ice cream vending machine for the digital age. Branded “Share Happy,” it is able to sense when people are near. Using facial recognition…
“[…] it can determine age, gender, and emotion. The machine uses an interactive "smile-o-meter” to rate smiles; those with a big enough smile are rewarded with free ice cream.
What is also worth noting is the ability for users to share pictures on Facebook via built-in 3G.“ (Related: Diesel’s social kiosk encourages sharing of images on Facebook.)
“What’s going to define us in the decade ahead?"