Shrek Is an Accomplice in Junk Food Marketing --

Food companies, already under attack for making kids fat, have accomplices in Shrek, Dora the Explorer and Scooby Doo, a new study finds.

Licensed cartoon celebrities not only appeal to children - the kids actually think junk foods hocked by popular characters taste better, researchers find.

This study surely opens a new conversation about food company marketing practices.

Unilever Ice Cream Machine Detects Emotion and Shares Happy


[Yesterday] at Cannes [Lions ad fest], Unilever revealed an ice cream vending machine for the digital age.  Branded “Share Happy,” it is able to sense when people are near. Using facial recognition…


“[…] it can determine age, gender, and emotion. The machine uses an interactive "smile-o-meter” to rate smiles; those with a big enough smile are rewarded with free ice cream.

What is also worth noting is the ability for users to share pictures on Facebook via built-in 3G.“ (Related: Diesel’s social kiosk encourages sharing of images on Facebook.)