Online giving alone is estimated to account for more than $6 billion, an increase of more than 30 percent from the same period in 2009.
Encouraging news for the non-profit sector.
Online giving alone is estimated to account for more than $6 billion, an increase of more than 30 percent from the same period in 2009.
Encouraging news for the non-profit sector.
Via utnereader:
With surreal robotic voices, two digi-panda bears explain why it is so hard for non-profit arts organizations to get funding. The short animation is frustrating, darkly funny, and informative. Read some commentary from Arts Journal here.
I tried watching this video last week, but didn’t get very far into it because I found the “voices” so annoying-sounding. Other videos in this series are difficult to watch/listen to for the same reason. Perhaps the creator’s future work will be a bit easier on the ear.
“Now Pepsi is donating $1.3 million through its Pepsi Refresh Project, which uses a Web site,, to determine grant winners by popular vote. That sum is in addition to $20 million that Pepsi has vowed to give away in 2010 in the cause marketing effort, the term for collaborating with nonprofit organizations to bolster both charities and the reputations of companies.
Related: See "Funding should not be a popularity contest,” with links to this post and others.